May 28, 2012


I'm beginning this post by telling you that I'm going to blog again.

I'm on summer vacation and other than doing the normal summer vacation things such as kayaking, going to NYC, dog sitting, eating peanut butter, not doing my laundry, baking, swimming, Whole Foods, eating more peanut butter and realizing I have zero clean clothes and a suitcase overflowing with (dirty) clothes, I was forced to do gross amounts of laundry. After making a dent in the mountain of clothes I decided to have a quiet Monday night at home where I watched
New Years Eve
I hadn't seen it yet and it was SUPER cheesy, but that is my favorite type of movie so I enjoyed it a lot.
This movie includes every celebrity on the planet.
Sarah Jessica Parker is in it, and it is just hard to look at her as anyone besides Carrie Bradshaw.

It also caused me to remember my book of resolutions I started at the beginning of the year.

I know it is a little late
but it is never to late to begin New Year's Resolutions...or add new ones.

I'm blogging more
So here we go.

I just finished my first read of the summer!
The book was 
In Zainesville.
by Jo Anne Beard
The book is really interesting. The novel is narrated from the perspective of a 14 year old teenager living in the 70's with a dysfunctional family, and other teenage issues.
I enjoyed the book,it was funny a throwback to the awkward years we often try to forget about.  
I think it would make a great movie...hint hint to any movie producers out there reading my blog.

I enjoyed my read here.
do not worry, he is not dead
just enjoying the summer sun.

Anyway tomorrow I'm off to try to finish packing...
I'm moving to East Haddam for the summer
and considering I forgot to pack just about everything...down to my makeup bag...for the NYC trip
I'm going to go through all my suitcases 100 times to make sure I pack everything!

Need new book suggestions.
Any books.
and thank you.

Good to be back
and yes i've been baking...

newest treat
Nutella Marshmallow Toffee Cookies

February 27, 2012

head. cold.

My dinner tonight.

You know the cold is winning when the sound of sweets is unappealing 

February 26, 2012

I'm Alive!


I know you were worried about me.
or I hope to believe you were.

Just finished performing as a muse in Xandau at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma!
Glamorous "ladies" 

The show was a blast and featured all CLO music and even ROLLER SKATING!
Scared yet...don't worry I only fell like once
plus maybe 400 more times after the first time
I'm alive to tell the tale so all is well!

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in forever. School has been a crazy whirlwind and life has been happening somewhere in between there. I'm hoping that I can blog more now this semester.
But a quick recap of what has been going on:

I've been
(it was cold.)


Hanging Curtains

:) all by myself.
(no more peeping Tom's allowed!)


200,000 miles.
Happy Birthday King Charles III

Quick trip to NYC.
*ate WAY to many Levain cookies...oh goodness.

Central Park

Saw Sasha in Memphis!

Rode the subway for the FIRST TIME while in NYC
so crazy!

That is a quick recap of some of the past months.
More to come on my baking obsessions...
My part-time job...maybe.
My summer plans :) eekk!

But till next time Happy Sunday
(Olive says Hello!)