I'm excited.
I ran 6.5 miles in 55 minutes!
I've been thinking about entering a 10k for awhile but been tentative because I wasn't sure if I could run the distance.
But I finally ran my goal, so I entered it this past weekend and am really excited!
My reward after
and of course
Cookies...these are my newest creation.
they are Cocoa Peanut Chip Oatmeal Greek Yogurt Cookies.
these cookies have:
no butter
no oil
no sugar(sort of)
no additives
I like to think of them as being semi-healthy.
I don't even know if they qualify as a "cookie"
besides the fact that they include chocolate...but really what do I eat that doesn't involve chocolate.
but I will call them that because it makes my heart happy to know I am eating a cookie.
they are really really yummy
like I eat them 6 times a day yummy...
but I wish I would of had a dozen of these after my run!
maybe my treat for accomplishing the 10k
good thought?
Still waiting to apply for my job there.
My dreams will come true.
While I'm waiting for my cookie dreams to come true.
I made some little girls Princess dreams come true.
Picture of Me and the birthday girl!
Look at that HAIR!
Want to know more about the parties??
I need to start and finish writing my history paper
Keep happy thoughts.
Now, who wants to fold my laundry??
Eloise, you are the cutest!! This is Sydney from Lynn's jazz class last year btw : ) I love reading your blog. Seriously, that princess thing is a dream come true!!! It has been my dream forever to one day work at Disney as a princess!! I had no idea they had something like that here...how cool!! Good luck on your 10K! Oh, and I'm obsessed with KERF also...